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What's New in Flutter Lints 5.0.0: Key Updates and Changes

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Flutter continues to evolve, and with the release of flutter_lints 5.0.0, new rules have been introduced while others have been removed, improving the quality and consistency of code in our projects. In this post, we’ll go over the most important changes in this new version.

New rules added

  • invalid_runtime_check_with_js_interop_types: This rule ensures that runtime checks are not incorrectly performed with JavaScript interop types, helping to avoid errors in JS interoperability.
  • unnecessary_library_name: This rule prevents the use of unnecessary library names, promoting cleaner and more concise code.

Rules removed

  • avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators: This rule has been removed, allowing developers more control over equality checks, especially concerning null values.
  • The following rules have also been removed as part of simplifying the use of constants:
    • prefer_const_constructors: This rule can be reviewed here.
    • prefer_const_declarations: This rule can be reviewed here.
    • prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutablesThis rule can be reviewed here.
These three removals allow for more flexibility in how developers handle constants within their projects. Instead of enforcing these rules by default, it provides the option to apply them based on the project's specific needs.

Minimum SDK update: The lints package now requires Flutter 3.24 and Dart 3.5 as the minimum supported versions. This change ensures compatibility with the latest improvements in the Flutter and Dart ecosystems, benefiting developers with optimizations and new language features.

What Does This Mean for Your Project?

The new lints 5.0.0 version adjusts some of the style and quality recommendations by removing rules that were either restrictive or unnecessary in some cases. At the same time, it introduces new rules that reinforce best development practices, particularly in projects that interact with JavaScript.

If your project depends on the latest versions of Flutter and Dart, these updates should help make your code more robust and aligned with the newest trends in the ecosystem.

Don't hesitate to update your project to take advantage of these changes and maintain cleaner, more maintainable code.


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